

Ph.D. Candidate
National University of Singapore
zhaohuan (at) comp.nus.edu.sg

About Me

I am a Resarch Assistant and Ph.D. candidate in the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore (NUS). I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Abhik Roychoudhury and Prof. Umang Mathur. Prior to that, I obtained my Bechalor degree in Computer Science also from NUS.

I am generally interested in enhancing the trustworthiness of modern software, especially in the design and algorithmic aspects of automated testing / verification technologies. I am actively working on different techniques on the spectrum, including fuzz testing, concurrency testing, program analysis and beyond.



  1. ASPLOS'25
    Huan Zhao, Dylan Wolff, Umang Mathur, Abhik Roychoudhury
    30th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2025.